yay, only 2 more hrs til I take off! :) This has been a really good work week. Very busy, but productive and enjoyable. I finished my latest spec yesterday. Now I got a whole pile of other stuff to do. Including an accounting spec. Now they do have a system in place for that. But this is really going to automate a lot of things and its cool but .....man, my head is like overloaded with stuff trying to keep in mind all the different things that can happen. Why does accounting have to be so complicated. |
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Posted by
2:22 PM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Movies, Dreams, Stories
I'm watching American History X. I'm a little more than an hour into it. It is a good movie. Just as people told me it would be. Its a hard movie to watch though. A lot of racism. I'm a fan of Avery Brooks. There are somethings in the movie that you can take away as good. Hopefully there will be more as the movie continues. |
Posted by
1:29 AM
Monday, July 24, 2006
one fine day
90th post! Don't have much to say. Just today was a good day. I got a lot done at work though it just made me realize how much more I still have to spec out. But hopefully I can still finish it off tomorrow. I woke up early today before my alarm clock. Didn't really feel tired which was good. Don't feel really sick either so thats very good. I'm probably at like 95%. |
Posted by
11:35 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
A walk in the park.
Posted by
7:50 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
stopped in the rain
For you, a thousand times over. |
Posted by
2:17 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Sick, San Francisco, Work, Rain, Tickets
Last night I woke up at 3 or so. I didn't feel well. I felt like throwing up and like something was in my throat or something. Not fun. I didn't like it. Not just the feeling of being sick, but when I get sick here, I feel more alone here. I have to take care of me. The situation isn't actually much different than waterloo...but I still had ppl to call upon there. I suppose I do here as well too...but it doesn't feel the same. I think i just didn't feel well cause I ate some junk food on an empty stomach, I should have something a bit proper beforehand... Afterwards, I sat online for a bit. Just randomly going here and there. And I stumbled upon some clips of America's Got Talent. Some of those ppl are really good! I think I'm going to try downloading a few episodes. Its restaurant week in NY. Tom and I went to lunch on Monday to a French place, Fleur de Sel or something like that. It was really good, I might go check out a few more restaurants....well probaby not. I'm short on time these days. It was interesting just talking to Tom casually, though the topic did turn to work for awhile. There is a conference in October that he and Brian are attending. He asked me if I'd like to go. I was like, definitely! The Conference is San Francisco, California! Woohoo! Well nothing is really certain yet. The conference isn't until October and things could change. Heck, maybe I won't even be here. But its certainly fun to think about. Its also...funny...since I had that dream about flying to San Fran and other places not too long ago. Yesterday was a good day at work too. I have a new project I'm working on and I wasn't quite sure about a few things. But I scheduled a meeting and discussed a few points. Well quite a few, ended up being a 90min meeting, but it was really productive and I feel great about this project now. Its awesome whenever everything just clicks and it all makes sense. So yep, looking forward to spec'ing it out now. I went to the Central Park last night. The NY Philharmonic was having a free concert performance. The park was packed. It was really cool. A nice atmosphere. Like everyone in the park was having a little picnic with some classical music playing in the background. I met some new ppl and they were all really cool and nice and friendly. And I ate a bunch of junk food so bad...more on that later. And while I got busy with talking for most the evening. I managed to stop and pay attention to listen to the songs I really liked. I suppose I shouldn't really call them songs but no matter. I guess technically, this would be the first concert I've ever attended. But I'd really call it more than a picnic than a concert, so thats still something I need to try in the future. I'll have to check whats coming up at Madison Square Garden. Side note: I've been really busy but I need to find time to do a few more things now that the weather is nice. I really want to go check out a few more museums too. Maybe starting with the Natural History Museum. It looked cool in the trailer for the Ben Stiller movie. After the concert there was a fireworks show. It wasn't very long but it was entertaining. I dont' remember the last time I saw fireworks. Anyhow, right after the fireworks, like literally 2mins after, Crazy Rain. Like heavy and fast rain. It was quite the scene. The ppl that run as quickly as they can, the ppl that grumble and slowly leave, and the ppl that enjoy it and start doing cartwheels. Let the stormy clouds chase Everyone from the place Come on with the rain I've a smile on my face I walk down the lane With a happy refrain Just singin', Singin' in the rain The rain was something fierce though, imagine this if you will, its 10pm+ its dark, we're in central park, its pouring, there are hundreds of ppl trying to leave, water is now up to and past my ankles in some areas, walking under bridges with people screaming like a highschool cafeteria when the lights go out, oh and some weirdos handing my love jesus flyers. hehe it was pretty funny. Not sure if I'd felt the same if alone though. I'd be like oh..kay.....maybe no more central park for awhile.... I just had a weird experience when buying my ticket for home. The price was 425$ which is high but what can you do, So I click purcahse, enter my cc info, click finalize purcahse, and then I'm given another screen, sorry due to demand yada yada yada, the price is 525$ I'm like....what? no, heck no. So I try again. And then....the price is 350? woohoo! Still pricy but oh well. I purchase it and I'm good to go. I wish I had time to really be at home. Last time I was home was when I went on my europe trip. But I don't really count that, cause half my family had already left and I was there for like no time at all. Just pack and go. And even less than that on the return. The last time I was really at home was like xmas. Even this trip its more about chores and stuff that needs to be done than seeing family. Inshallah I"ll have that oppurtunity in August during Alia's wedding. I've written plenty today. A lot more stuff on my mind...heh, I wish my mind would quiet down sometimes and stop thinking so much....well...I only partially think that. |
Posted by
2:48 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
A few words of wisdom; Watch your thoughts they become words. Watch your words they become actions. Watch your actions they become habbits. Watch your habbits they become character. Good things happen, bad things happen. I know that. Life is not a movie, always having a happy ending. heh, movies dont even have happy endings all the time. Sometimes I do find it hard to look at the brightside of things. When the world is messed up, when I read something sad. I felt that today. I didn't feel optomistic or idealistic or anything. I was just like enough, I don't like this. All cause of this book I'm reading. Its highly engaging. And I'll finish it. But man, there is a lot going on I just don't like and it really made me want to just stop reading. When you go against the world, the world always wins. I do not accept this. Period. Thats all I'm going to say about that right now. And I was in a good mood earlier today too. After/during my workout that is. Feeling good about myself. Not that I'm in great shape or anything, sadly far from it. But I've been going consistently lately and even if there is no difference I like to think I can see a change. Now hopefully I'll see a change on the scale...and in the direction I want. Click. Delete. I find it cool that I look at movies and be like, I have been there. I recognize that. I walked there. I lived there. Spiderman 3 was filming right outside my office basically. But I don't just mean that, I mean its fun to see NY, and Toronto, and Amsterdam, and Switzerland, and Delhi, Hyderabad etc on the screen. And I don't say this to brag. I'm just saying its cool to me. And I hope I'll always remember to stop every once in awhile and look around and be like wow. Wherever I am. Because really......wow. Its very quiet sometimes. I hear the fan running. And my fingers typing. Which altogether dont' make very much noise. But thats not entirely what I mean. I mean, its very quiet sometimes. Momement. Present. Flashback. New Moment. The NY Philharmonic had a free performance on wednesday. It rained so I didn't go. They have another one his coming week. Wednesday again I believe. The last one I think. I'm looking forward to going. Its something I've wanted to do for awhile. I just hope work doesn't get in the way. sigh. enough. The bbq is 2 weeks away. We're up to about 26ppl coming. A couple will be no shows. but I think we actually ahve a few more ppl on the list that are comign and haven't replied so, the number looks good for now. Should be a lot of fun. |
Posted by
10:44 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
India Pictures!
Posted by
10:13 PM
Monday, July 10, 2006
For you, a thousand times over.
I had a phrase in my head this morning, while I was brushing my teeth. It kept repeating....I was going to put it down here but I can't remember what it was anymore... |
Posted by
2:17 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
More on that later...
Dha dhin dha, dha dha dhin dha, ta dha dha, dhin ta, dhin ta |
Posted by
4:57 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
I'm really tired. So I'll expand on this later...but I wanted to put something down. |
Posted by
12:42 AM