Monday, July 24, 2006

one fine day

90th post! Don't have much to say. Just today was a good day. I got a lot done at work though it just made me realize how much more I still have to spec out. But hopefully I can still finish it off tomorrow. I woke up early today before my alarm clock. Didn't really feel tired which was good. Don't feel really sick either so thats very good. I'm probably at like 95%.

The weather was really nice and I had some good songs going so it was nice morning walk to work. Had no major issues today. No developers bugged me. I was able to just work away on my own stuff. So nice. And then I had class later and that went well. Got out early, train wasn't crowded so I got a seat. And I just had like some good energy. Came home and was going to do laundry but all the machine were taken, so I decided to do cardio instead. I'm going to change my workout focus a bit. To be slightly more cardio focused. Right now I'm tired and lazy after weights so I'm not doing much cardio at all. Now everytime I workout I'm going to run for 2 miles first. Yes, sorry Darrin the machines are in imperial at my gym as well as my condo. But yeah, 2 miles. I did it in just under 25mins today including my warm-up walking. I'm going to give myself a goal of trying to get to a certain weight. I won't share that with you though. Some of you may already know anyways. Nothing big actually. Just want to lose a bit, though if i gain it in muscle, thats fine.

I almost bought 3 books yesterday. I'm starting to think I should have. A Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood. I read it in highschool and enjoyed it. And then A Brief History of Nearly Everything and another book on string theory which I can't recall the title of.

I also bought some dvds this past friday. I wasn't in a very good mood. So I wanted to distract myself. And get myself something. And bestbuy is not far from work, so i figured why not. I got Hotel Rowanda which was really good. Shakespere in Love which was also really good and funny. Love Actually, which I've always liked. And American History X which I still have to watch. I also talked to a few friends and cousins that helped get me out of my funk. It was just one of those days and a lot of things building up. Sometimes you just want to give up. But even if I think that briefly, I know I won't. Maybe stubbornly so but.... :)

There is no more interesting place of exploration in this world, than that of the mind.

I remember once upon a time. I started to write. I don't recall why. I just got the idea in my head to write a story. I never got further than perhaps the first two or three lines. But I remember I was so proud of those lines. And I was so excited about. So excited.