Ok, so while I was home for New Years weekend I came across some old pics and decided to make a mosaic for my Mom. It turned out something like this. You should be able to click on it to view a larger version of it and see some of the individual pics. It looks much better when I enlarged it and then you view it from a distance, not sure how well it'll show up on here.

And here are some other pics that I found and liked. The pictures are all out of order now but oh well. hehe, I don't even remember any of these pics but I seem happy :)
 My sister Umber & I. No Idea what we're doing here but we seem to be having fun. :)
 Me holding Umber.
 Umber and I again.
 Ready for a toga party? hehe
 I'm guessing my first suit.
 This I remember, my Bismillah.
 Everyone loves Marine Land! hehe, or at least Umber, Hafsa, & I do.
 I'm going to guess my grade 2 or 3 school picture.
 My mummy and me.
 Just relaxing in my robe.
 And just keeping it real yo. ....while sitting in a pot hehe
 Saara and me!
 Whats up yo?
 My Abu and I.
 Sporty me.
 hehe :)
 I like this pic.
 very lil me.
 my mom trying to feed me.
 Saara and me
 Grade 1 maybe?
 My dad and I
Awww, those pics are so cute! I can totally tell that it was you!! You look relatively the same!!
and that MOSAIC IS AWESOME!!!! How on earth did you make that?!?!!
MashAllah ur pics r very cuteee!!
omw thats so kool, and ur pics are so cute, and funny. my pics of me when i was younger always make me laugh - what we wore and stuff, i always remember how i used to think i looked sooo kool in a certain outfit,and now it seems so lame!!
Sarah: haha thanks. yeah, for the most part I look the same. :) My friend gave me a program that does it for me. Its pretty slow but its cool aint it :) Its free too, remember later I'll send you a link to download it.
Suga: Thanks :)
Cellardoor: Thanks :) haha, yeah these pics definitely made me laugh. I'm such a geek in some of the pics :P
haha. cool pics, man.
Dude, now you can tell people you have pics of you in a robe and toga posted on your site ;-)
Aww the mosaic is lovely! How do you do that anyway - like the picture of the faces in the background to create an image?
the guy: lol, true i never thought of that.
bib-aisha: thanks :)
liya: Thanks, I found a program that does it. Its free too. Though fairly slow.
These pictures are so cute! MashaAllah. You know, in the last picture you look like you're wearing tin foil :D
Oh my how cutem such a cute baby any other mother probaly would have been jealous!
Asmaa: haha, it does a bit :)
Almira: hehe, thanks
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