Just as I open this up and am about to start typing....I recognize the irony of what this post will be compared to how my last post opened. haha, oh well.
Roughly 2 years ago I started eating only halal food. It was about graduation time. I was studying for finals with a friend and we were talking about life after school. I mentioned how one thing I want to work on is learning more about Islam, being a better muslim, eating halal food, etc. And of course he gives me the simpliest of questions. What are you waiting for? And so I was like you're right. And then we went to lunch and from that lunch forward, I have only been eating halal food. Its been hard sometimes. I miss pho and korean bbq and some other things. But really, overall I've been lucky to find a good deal of places I can eat. And its not that hard overall. Anyways, here some pictures of food that I love. It may perhaps be a bit heavy on the chocolate and dessert side...hehe. For those of you on my facebook, there are more pics in an album I put up a couple days ago.
 Bruschetta - Florence, Italy
 Chicken Chow Mein - Chennai, India
 Steak & Fries - Paris, France
 Nachos - Weavers maybe....Waterloo, Canada
 Yay, chcolate cake
 Fresh Bread, Croissants - Paris, France
 BBQ - Scarborough, Canada
 Pineapple rice - KittiChai Restaurant, NYC
 I forget, but the sauce was good. KittiChai again.
 Um....don't recall, but it looks nice.
 Salmon Steak.
 Panang Curry with Shrimp, are you hungry yet?
 Some strangers on a train in India shared their food with me. :)
 ok, I'm starting to get hungry myself.
 Cookies! I made this one.
 Frozen Hot Chocolate from Serendipity
 Chocolate Sundae
 We finished it all!
 Chocolate from Brussels
 Chocolate shells
 So many choices...where to start...
 I miss Brussels
 Ok, screw the diet, I'm taking some.
Good for you for making the change! If you look carefully you'll find a lot of great halal places to eat.
How does cold hot chocolate work? I've never heard of it but I'm interested in trying some :)
yes, great that you started eating halal food - although i am surprised you didnt before..for some strange reason []
btw, is little mosque episode 9 out? why the delay?
Damn, thats making me hungry... Halaal food hard to find in brooklyn?
Awww man...I'm about to go out to dinner in a little while, and I haven't eaten all day. While waiting for a friend I thought I'd catch up on my blog reading and here's every bit of food I could imagine myself pigging out on now...
Maybe I can skip the main course and just order dessert?
liya: Thanks, actually its not hard finding halal food at all. Particularly where I live. Just certain things like korean bbq, pho, chicken parmagian, etc. Those I can't find.
Frozen hot chocolate, is where you take at least 1 (usually multiple) kind(s) of chocolate, melt it together, then chill it and serve it.
sofi: well I suppose technically I was always halal...but now its zabiya (sp?) :P I'm not sure why the delay is...a lot of shows went on break to avoid fighting for ratings with ncaa basketball...so hopefully it'll be back soon.
muhammed: no, its incredibly easy to find. I have a wide variety of indian and arab restaurants. Its only when you start craving other things that it becomes difficult.
aka: hehe, desserts always. it can be an appetizer!
Nicely done on the halal! Good stuff!
Egads! I'm suddenly STARVING!
God those desserts look SOOOOOO good. I want some so badly :( I take pictures of my food when I travel abroad!! Food is very importante!!!
ruby: hehe, go eat!
sarah: I agree, food is very important! and food pictures are great! I don't know why its not more common :)
U took all these pics?! i just brushd my teeth,which always makes me hungry.lyin in bed,and nw im tinkin of yum food n i shud not hav seen this post nw-k,im off to raid the fridge
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