Ok, long overdue I've finally put Alia's wedding pictures up.
But first a couple of quick side items.
1) AAAHHHH!!!!!!!! The day has been set (Oct 28th), the count down begins. So I have to really start preparing seriously now....sigh. Any prayers for me are welcome, if you forget I'll remind when the time comes =p
2) So I'm reading Catcher & the Rye. And such a coincidence that I rent Six Degrees of Seperatation and its crazy. Theres a whole scene discussing the book and possible meanings of the book. And when thinking of those things the book is cool. Other than that though, I'm really annoyed by Holden, like many of said maybe if I'd read this in highschool I would have enjoyed it.
Anyhow, on to pictures!
 My Parents
 Umber, Mom, Myself, Nana
 Myself & Afroze
 Umber & I
 Alia & my Mom
 Mom, Dad, Alia, Umber, Myself
 Some of the cousins at Alia's house
 Alia and her parents
 Farah and Saara
 Sohail, Farah, Hafsa, Alia, Saara, Myself
 Arsalan, Myself, Rabia, Alia, Saara
 Rabia, Hafsa, Myself, Hajra, Saara
 The Bride & Groom
 Saara, Umber, Hafsa
 The Husband and Wife
 Rasheed and Alia
And now Alia just acting silly =)

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