Alright so the conclusion of my Europe trip. Pics are below if you want to skip down to them and ignore what i have to say....punks! meh. Lets continue. Ok, so Rasheed & I got to this place called Paris. Quite a famous place from what I hear. We stayed at this hostel called Love & Peace or something like that. It was....probabl the worst hostel we stayed at. But the area wasn't bad. We actually weren't very far from the desi area of Paris. What are the odds eh? (More on strange odds later).
So yeah, we had some good Indian food a couple times. Though of course we tried Paris food as well. Croissants great. I wasn't able to find a good baguette, though didn't have much time to look. The Crepes were just ok. The salmon was good. Enough about food. Paris I didnt have high expectations of but it was actually really nice. Louvre was massive! and really quite impressive. Sacre Ceour was cool, the Notre Dame, the old prison i forget its name, Arc D' Triumph, Pantheon, forgive my spelling btw ppl. Paris people were also a lot more friendly than I thought. Everyone we spoke to was nice and helpful. Also, although I play around with a bit of french here and there on msn sometimes, when you get there you truly realize that man, i don't know anything haha. hmm....theres actually a lot more that happened in paris, but in this case, what happens in paris, stays in paris. =)
Brussels was a cool place. We only stayed there 1 night. The old buildings in the city centre were quite cool. But really, the main thing on my mind was chocolate! And it was sooo goood!!!! I spent like 60-80euro at least on chcolate. And I ate it all there and in india. I miss it....oh the belgium waffle was also great!
On to amsterdam. 1st yes there is pot available everywhere. Local corner stores, gift shops, everywhere. 2nd No I didn't try any drugs at all. 3rd the city has a ton of canals. 60-80% of the place use to be water and was drained. crazy eh. Its a really nice looking place though. ok now on to the big coincidence.
So Rasheed & I get there and we decide to cehck out this improv comedy show called Boom Chicago. We're seated and looking at the menu and not 2 mins later the waitress comes and seats to other guys beside us. Both are from Waterloo! AND 1 is Rohit, the guy that also went to India to work for TCS when I did! Like crazy what are the odds we are both in Amsterdam, both seeing the same show at the same time and then that we are seated beside each other in a place that holds a couple hundred!
So what else? So some people say I'm a bit...blind sometimes. I think I have a weird sense of observation. Not exactly bad at it....just I pick up on different things. So my cousin and I are walking around Amsterdam. And we walk down a few streets and...Districts. So we walk down the road and at the end my cousin says, did you see that? its so open. I'm like what? the the flyers on the walls and the video stores? he stares at me blindly. guy, come on. and we walk through again. hehe Seriously, i only saw the flers and open doors to video stores the first time. i didn't think about looking through the slightly tinted windows. I'm sure you guys can figure out what was there. Or rather who. hehe.
I saw the Anne Frank house. It was a lot bigger than I thought. But now I know more of her story and its just a sad and dark time in history. Though sometimes I think other aspects of history just as dark that occured during the same general time period get glossed over. Now to devalue the importance of any of one of them, just saying that the others are just as important.
I saw Rembrandt, and Van Gogh, and Caravaggio and simply amazing! I don't even know art and I was blown away. Van Gogh is not really my favourite but I loved Caravaggio and Rembrandt. ok, I think I'll stop here for now. Next time will be some India pics I think.
 Looking down from Sacre Coeur
 The cell of Marie Antoinette (Let them eat cake)
 Outside the Pantheon
 The Louvre is massive!
 Angel something.... :( I forget...
 The pyramids!
 A top the Arc d'Triumph
 The Arc itself
 The Venus De Milo (no gummi de milos anywhere)
 Rasheed trying to look French
 The Effiel Tower, sparkling at night.
 Brussels! and Chocolate!
 And more Chocolate!
 aahhh, I can't resist...
 mmmm....Belgium Waffle...
 Windmill in Amsterdam
 The houses are soo skinny
 A wooden shoe boat!
 Its Rohit!
 The city looks great
 Another city shot
 1 more city shot
 very cool, I like this Rembrandt guy |
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