Ok, quick post. Pictures from Florence, Venice, Interlaken, and Bern. Some small notes of stories, mostly to myself to remember.
- Cool guy from Napoli that showed us Spanish cards, - Can't find a hostel, or cheap hotel, or open church = me being bum on the floor - Awesome restaurant in Tuscany - Knocking on ppls doors, hey sir can we see your vineyard? no? but...umm...please? -Bugging the hostel guys to see if we can stay there -Bugging the hotel girl until we could stay there - And Zaina just interupted me so now where was I... - oh the best showorma place is in florence? haha - ppl stopping at 3am to let us use their cell phone - ppl stoping on the street to help us look at a map - a guy driving by, stopping, reversing and asking if we needed help - us talking to a bus driver, blocking traffic for 10mins and NO ONE Honked!! - The david being so much bigger and more impressive than i thought - venetian masks are actually native to florence and so much more but i'll leave it at that for now. next up will be paris, brussels, and amsterdam
 We got to Florence really late, couldn't find a hostel, hotels really expensive, we sit down and rest at the station infront of the newstand
 And like a bum I fall asleep on the floor....hey I was really really tired! and it was only for 1hr!
 Florence was an amazing city. I think I remember 1 of Darrins pics from here too which was cool cause i recognized it when I got here.
 Manpreet trying on a mask
 Tomatoes in Italy were soo good!!
 The country-side was really nice too.
 We went biking in Tuscany, such a nice day.
 Manpreet and Rasheed wanted a bit more speed at night.
 Enjoying the night by the water.
 Posing on our bikes haha
 Fooling around in the baggage room at the hostel
 Then we say good bye to Manpreet and head out to Venice
 And more Venice
 and me and Venice
 And now on the way to Interlaken, Switzerland.
 The train ride had amazing scenery.
 Rasheed can't believe it.
 Its really georgeous.
 We rented a car, went driving, and well...my driving scared rasheed a bit.
 But hey, its a small car what could happen.
 Rasheed happy to be alive after.
 We're just goofing around haha
 Now in Bern, thinking what my next move should be.
 I decide to go Einstein for help, but unfortunately, he's not in.  |
hahaha lovin the car!!!! why does it remind me of URKEL!
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