Stories will follow later, including the Producers, scalped Knicks tickets, rainy days in brooklyn, food galore, and of course the crazy woman that pulled out a knife behind me in mcdonalds in Washington. Til then, enjoy the pictures. =) Random NY pic
Rasheed in Times Square
Me in Times Square
Oh, me again
Skating rink at Rockefeller Centre
Rasheed figuring out the subway system, poor guy was so lost :P
Part of NY sky line
NY at night from atop the Empire State building
And another
And now with me
One more
k, last one
Myself at the Knicks game
Myself and Rasheed sitting back enjoying the game
Woohoo Go KNICKS (but Raptors will always be my #1 team)
Alia would love this...
In DC by Capital Hill
DC is cold too, brr...
Rasheed with some random statue
Myself and Rasheed in DC
The MOMA  |
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