Wednesday, December 07, 2005

its time for us to starting making some changes

Come on everybody, get it together. Ital pasta's going to take you away-eee-ah

Sorry, that just popped in my head for some reason. meh, its better than meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow right? right? whatever.

Yesterday (monday) was suppose to be a scary day. And I was all ready for it. Nervous and anxious of course, but ready. THEN my cousin Rasheed gives me some last minute tip causing me to delay til Wednesday. On one hand, sure I don't have to worry (as much) for a bit, on the other hand. Bigger hand, I really just don't want to delay. I perhaps could have today, but today is quite busy so it would be difficult. Tomorrow it is. InshaAllah it all works out well.

My mom had some exciting news. I would get in trouble if I said what it is, and if you're reading this please don't say anything to anyone. But it sounds pretty cool. Kind of hard to imagine, and I can totally see a ton TON of complaints by certain people because of it. And it would be super tiring as well. Hopefully tomorrow goes well. My mom keeps impressing me. And then she just has to make the comment to rub it in (not really) to me as well :P But then I dont' believe anything is final yet anyways. Haha, this is all so vague, dah well.

This past weekend I didn't do much. I went for like a 3hr walk on Saturday. Doing some chores, banking, book store shopping, exploring, grocery shopping, and I went to the masjid to ask some questions about seafood. But I wasn't able to talk to an actual Imam (like a priest) and the responses I did get seemed kinda fishy. pun intended :) .

Sunday, I did some work from home until dinner. Went out to dinner with anojan to some restaurant locally. It was alright, meat was kinda dry. Worked out for a bit.

I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I don't like that fact. Like I'm heavier than Darrin! Not that Darrin is fat or anything, but he's always been heavier than me. And at first I would say its not all muscle, cause I've definitely been stronger in my life, but now. You know what? I'm getting closer to my past peaks. Not quite there yet, but closer. however, still I'm too heavy. Though I don't mind how I look, if I think vainly for a moment. Well not happy, not entirely, but who ever is, but in certain regards, i feel good. I have lost 1 pound since i discovered how heavy i was so thats good.

Ok, that was all at lunch. Then I got busy. So now I'm at home its like 1234am I should sleep. But I want to finish this up. Even though I don't really know what I want to say. I've been sticking various song lyrics that pop into my head. I don't feel like writing it up right now, but if I did, I would be putting Changes by Tupac around here somewhere.

Mayor Hazel McCallion came in 2nd in the World Mayor 2005 contest. 1st was the mayor of Athens. I think thats pretty impressive.

I found out I've been mixing up Romania Guy and Ukraine guy this whole time! Not by name of course, just the countries that they belong to. haha.

I'm thinking of buying myself a jacket. But I'm not sure. Cause I kind of like those black/grey jackets. They look clean cut and professional. Problem is, everyone has them! I think I want something like that though. A thinner coat for sure. I wonder if I can find something with a hood. But a wool jacket with a hood? not easily done. hehe, my cousin rasheed is like, guy, you want to buy an IPOD, a jacket, go here and there, get your bonus first. get yourself a real bed. lol. can't really argue with him there. yeah, IPOD cause its easy to just go and picup at the store. bed would probably be my next thing. But of course, a few other things need to be settled first.

I wonder....hmmm....hehe, no expanding on this.

there was more to write. but i can't recall. and its nearly 1am. and i promised myself i'd get some sleep tonight. i haven't been sleeping nearly enough these last few days. so a goodnight to all of you. i'm sure i'll have stuff to blog about over the next few days.


Dash said...

hey fatso,

I think the only reason you're heavier than me is cause I've also lost weight. I was the lightest I've ever been since 1st year. but no worries, I've gotten back up to 161-163, so I think we're about even now. however, truth be told, I'm going to assume you're at a higher percentage of body fat than I am, so you should still make some changes to your workouts. In conclusion, stop eating chocolate, and get on that treadmill.