Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Today I am SleepiSiddiqui

I don't think I like my blog title anymore. I like the name, GeekiSiddiqui. But my life a work in progress? how blah! Any suggestions for something else?

I've discovered I can rhyme (sort of) things to my last name, Geeki. And today Sleepy or Sleepi. Also....well thats all I've though of so far. But yes, today I am SleepiSiddiqui. Its only 1220. And I came in today thinking all rearing to go. I'm going to get this and this and this done. And I'm going to stay late (coudn't get in touch with Danish or Moshin so no reason not to just keep working). But I come in and I spend almost all morning reviewing work of Romanian guy. Then just as I'm done, meeting time. then meeting done and more stuff to review. But his day ends anytime now (in Romania) so then I can get back to spec'ing my latest project. I'm enjoying work. Its definitely a lot of work. But I am enjoying it.

Omar just gave me another one, Freaky (freeki). And another one, that I'll ignore for now.

I'm thinking of adding google adsense to my blog, opinions? yes/no?

Yesterday was Darin's birthday. Happy Birthday Darrin!

I'm feeling quite tired. This is when some music would be nice. To wake me up or give me some energy. I don't drink coffee. I like tea, but I'd rather not be dependent on such thigns. And never needed them before. Water, music, or a nice chat with someone has always been enough to wake me up before.

K, enough of a break. I think I'll go do my visio work. Thats fun and maybe wake me up some more. Todays goal. Work until I finish the initial draft of this spec.....or 9pm. Whichever comes first.

Survivor started. I downloaded it last night. Will actually have something to do when I get home today! How .......sad.


Ahmed said...

haha, not a bad name, not bad. And while it may be incredibly true. I don't think I'd call myself that.

well, i don't want the focus of this blog to be new york. I want it to be me. while much of me is in relations to my new experiences in new york. the title should work regardless of where i am now and in the future.

Dash said...

How about WeekiSiddiqui? MeekiSiddiqui? That suits you. WeasleySiddiqui. MeasleySiddiqui. freakydeakysiddiqui. The list goes on. Glad to hear that you're enjoying work.

How about this for a title. Brown guy and the city? or Ahmed's Archives. Or The Adventures of Ahmed.

Anonymous said...

How about evilsiddiqui?

Ahmed said...

yeah, jenn said weaklisiddiqui. hadn't though of meekisiddiqui. freakydeakysiddiqui ahah we'll see.

brown guy and the city and ahmed arhives aren't bad. but i don't know. its like when you see a shirt at the mall and you like it, but not enough that you need to get it. i'm waiting for the name (the shirt) i really want.