First, yay! This is my 200th post! =) I wonder how many posts I'd be at if my old blogs were still around...
And now for California pictures!
 Omar's place in 1000 Oaks, California
 After dropping off our gear, we're ready to roll.
 Driving to the Beach
 The beach!
 Another beach pic
 The Ocean!
 Aamir and Omar at Muscle Beach
 Venice Beach Promenade
 Venice Beach park area
 Me playing catch with Wilson and Tom Hanks
 Poking the Lion at the Famous Grauman's Chinese Theater
 The Mall beside the Theatre
 Aamir attempting the water-defying walk through the randomly spraying fountain
 Me trying to eat the Hollywood sign
 Then I saw some of Cap't Jacks treasture and just couldn't resist.
 Hook tried to stop me.
 But with Shaft on my side I wasn't scared.
 At least I wasn't until Jason showed up...ahhhhhh!
 I ran, but Neo & Trinty put an end to me....don't ask why, it was a weird script.
 For our amazing performances Omar won an Oscar for Best Lover (that scene was not shown do to the PG-13 rating of this blog).
 I won the Best Body award.
 And Aamir won, Puss in Boots
Still not entirely convinced show business was for us. We went to work at the construction site Omar is supervising/planning/some sort engineering or whatever supposedly does while chatting and facebooking with us.
 Zoom, Zoom
 I wonder how long it takes to change the tire...
 And then we were off again
 To Downtown LA! ...but that was rather meh.
 Though the Buddhist Temple was nice.
 So we were off again!
 And driving on Malibu Canyon Rd was awesome.
 The scenary was just amazing.
 We went to Bevery Hills and Hollywood Hills. Sorry, I'll only post 1 pic of this b/c I don't like how they turned out. None of them really captures how hilly/steep some of the roads are and how nice the houses look.
 Santa Monica!
 Walking along the beach
 Just chilling and enjoying the view.
 The Ocean is so fun to just sit and watch.
After chilling on the beach we decided to get some
 And head to Universal Studios for some fun
 I just barely missed out on the discount =(
 But I still had fun on the kiddie rides
 And the not so Kiddie rides, yeehaww Bull Riding! That was fun! I actually didn't do that well though, 14-15secs or so. But I fell off not b/c I slipped but b/c the jerking action of the bull was hurting my hand a lot and so I let go, maybe I wasn't holding the reins right...). Omar lasted the longest at about 17-18 secs. Thanks for making me do it though Omar =)
 Random pic I had to take for any Waterloo'er out there.
 Random scenary shot taken at Univeral.
 Good night LA, I'll be sure to visit again.
ps. There are a few more pictures on facebook for those interested.
Looks like you had an awesome time! And you're brave with your picture taking...haha, esp the wax museam pics. That last pic is really cool, did you take one without people in it too, that skyline is amazing!
I like how you put the pictures into a story, it was a great script and made me smile :D ..especially when you guys "won" awards... hehe poor Aamir (only Puss in boots) but he looks happy!
The beach pictures are great, and the scenic shots are making me want to go there *sigh*
haha... although I like the facebook script better... WHO took my chocolates lol..
mousehunter: It was great! hehe yeah, we took quite a few funny pictures in the wax least until the security guard finally caught us and told us to stop :(
I'll have to check...but unfortunately I fear I didn't... we were quite tired by then and had a long drive still ahead of us to go back to Omar's place.
liya: Thanks, too bad your not on facebook, I think the story I used for that turned out better. And theres more pic!
Aamir actually posed with the same award so I couldn't put that up since it conflicted with the script hehe
mezba: haha thanks, yeah I like the facebook script better too...I just didnt' want to use the same script again so I tried to come up with something else...but i was a bit lazy with it after uploading all the pics.
took me awhile to find the fb script...thought it was for all the pics instead of just those select few...
ah well, nice pics and interesting captions :)
had me laughing the whole time!
I still think this place should have a PG13 rating for the ideas you're giving we know, they're going to be dragging their favourite character out from behind the rope and i'll be the one getting sued...:(
Haha..amzing beach pics though. Sounds like great fun!
gk: haha sorry it was a such trouble, but thanks for finally coming out :)
specs: :) glad you enjoyed the pics. haha, next time I'll put in a disclaimer to not try this yourself hehe.
Really nice photos Ahmed, whats this pic trying to eat Hollywood you might actually be doing the world a favor. Your friend Omar kinda looks like Tom Cruise from the side, in that one car pic. Salaam
Salaam Almira, haha they make some good movies though! and I'll pass the msg along to Omar, I'm sure he'll enjoy the comment. :)
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