Sorry for the delay in blogging. I know I'm particularly behind in posting pictures. Its just been a busy last few days. And also facebook just makes it so easy to put pics up...I get lazy in putting them up here. Anyhow, to make it up I'm going to present you all with the answer to everything. Yes, everything. But you'll have to read all the way to the bottom of this post to find out....or you could cheat and just go to the bottom now.......booo cheaters....
Ok, so this weekend Vivian, a friend of mine from first year (wow thats like 7 years ago now...) and her friend Katie (who also went to waterloo and whom I share a remarkable number of mutual friends but somehow just never met) visited new york.

And naturally we did what every tourist does...check out Times Square.

We then met up with Anojan for some dinner the Afghan Kebab House.

The next day we had another visitor as Miss. Peakcock (another friend of mine, and yes, of course thats her real name hehe) joined us for more adventures in the city.

First stop, the MET (I only saw the Roman/Greek stuff with Jane last week).


This doesn't seem too hard...

Some more sillyness

And 1 more.

After the MET we went to this Mexican/Morrocan Halal restaurant and crashed some guys 20th birthday party. It was a fun dinner unfortunately the food wasn't that great and we didn't get any bday cake :(
 Left to Right: Anojan, Jane, Me, Vivian, Katie, Miss. Peacock
Still wanting Dessert we begin searching for a place to satisfy our cravings

Finally we find a diner, and Miss. Peacock and Jane seem to think its fine.

But Anojan & I have our doubts...

Now I admit, the Banana split looked good...but the ice cream was rather meh

The next day we decided to check out Central Park

The fresh air did Katie some good as she grew a foot taller than me

But after that healthy walking...we wanted some more chocolate. This time we went to good stuf, Max Brenner's Chocolate by the Bald Man
 Vivian and Miss. Peakcock trying to decide what to get.
 Anojan: ahhhhh I can't wait, where is my dessert!?
 Yes! Its here!
 mmmm....dark hot chocolate....
 Vivian, Miss. Peacock, and I just posing for the camera.
A group picture
 Left to Right: Janes roommates friend, Janes roommate, Jane, Anojan, Katie, Vivian, Miss. Peacock, Me.
Some sillyness on the subway

And finally the answer to all your questions.
Well set up!
That is the anwser to everything! No diner can beat MEL'S!!!!! MMMMM grease...
mesba: hehe thanks :)
ruby: haha Mel's I use to love their $2 burgers.
Great pics!
I have a question, did security ever try to stop you from taking pictures in the museum? Last time I was at a museum and tried taking pics I had a very hard time (or maybe it was the art gallery) :S
Hey Liya, thanks. At the Gugenheim you can only take pictures in a few areas. At the MET is was anywhere except the special exhibits. At the MOMA it was anywhere. And at the Natural History it was anywhere.
So far only the Design museum has been the only place that said not at all. Which museum did you go to? I know the ROM says yes as long as its non-flash.
I agree. The progression (and story) of the pictures was very nice, especially the last picture :D So true! Chocolate is the answer to everything.
sarah: hehe thanks! And yep! Too bad I finished my chocolate for breakfast this mornign :(
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