Thursday, May 17, 2007

Reading Challenge

Since I feel like I'm all about challenges lately, which is really just a reflection of me contemplating my short and long term goals and what I want to do in my career and life (which suddenly sounds like to me a much more interesting topic than what this post is about...oh well) I thought I'd list another challenge. This is really just a semi resolution that I made.

I just want to read more. I'm not reading nearly as much as use to. I miss it. Books are awesome. And as the NBA commercials say, reading is FUNdamental. So the goal is to read at least one book a month. Thats just 12 books a year. Its like nothing. So yeah. Last month I didn't read much at all, but overall for the year I'm doing ok I think. Although most of the books are old books that I read when I was young and am just felt like reading again now.

So far this year I've read:
A Handmaids Tale (really good!)
The Catcher in the Rye (didn't care for this)
For One More Day (I liked Tuesdays with Morrie much better)
The Penelopaid (A Handmaids Tale was much better)
The Magicians Newphew (I liked this more than I thought I would)
And currently I'm reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (so far I like it)

I started The Virgins Knot (and stopped very bleh, I doubt I'll touch it again) as well as The Three Musketeers (I'll finish it eventually, its not continously holding my interest and feels like a chore to read at times).

And of course, we're all waiting for July to come so we can finally get our hands on.....Harry Potter! :)

Ok, thats enough for now, I'm off to read!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I just made a similar goal. I actually went to the library after a very long time yesterday. I was expecting a pretty hefty fine, but it was only 27 bucks! Picked up a couple of books and i'm good to go!
Happy reading!

Ahmed said...

$27? That sounds like a pretty big fine to me....but then I'm relating it back to the 5-10cent/day fines of when I was a kid.

rubytuesdays said...

You didn't like Catcher in the Rye? I love love love that book! And you're starting Narnia! Yay Narnia! Have you read Kite Runner? What The Body Remembers? I can't wait for HP!

BanikaB said...

Hahaha - like a nerd I ordered the last Harry Potter book online. Now it feels like July is too far away!

And if Three Musketeers isn't holding your interest, try The Count of Monte Cristo (and it does not count if you've watched the movie cause they changed the story so much it's barely even the same thing). It's the best boy book around! Hidden treasure, mistaken identities, pirates, duels - it's got it all!

Ahmed said...

Ruby: I thought the character was just so self-absorbed. He bugged me soo much! Maybe I would have related to him more in highschool, but not now.

And yes, the Kite Runner is awesome! They're making a movie of it! I haven't heard of "The Body Remembers" whats it about?

banikab: I always order Harry Potter online! :P Hmm...I thought it would be too similiar to The 3 Musketeers, but maybe I'll give it a shot.

AKA said...

I'm counting the minutes until HP...!!!! Other than that I've read very little these days. My latest was The Alchemist, which I really liked so I recommend you add it to your list :)

Ahmed said...

Yeah, I read the alchemist and thought it was really good too. I tried another book by Paulo Coehlo and it was ok. I'm tempted to try more of his stuff but I fear that he's becoming a bit formulaic.