Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Facebook Skit

A funny video my friend forwarded to me.

So...anyone on facebook? Want to be my friend? :P


Anonymous said...

I'm a FB addict! I'll add you...but I don't know your email or anything...hmmm...

Ahmed said...

Hey Ruby, well do a search on my name, Mohammed Siddiqui. And then my display pic is the same as my blog display pic.

Sarah said...

lol that was hilarious. PennMasala!!! In high school, which was a looooong time ago, I got their cd!! I can't believe they still exist! wow! Anyway that video was hilarious. It took me a while to figure out which song's melody it was. Finally when it got to "I can be your facebook stalker..." then I realised whose song it was!