Friday, December 22, 2006

Good deeds spread and multiply. =)

I bought lunch and its terrible. :( So I just bought a snack. Oatmeal raisin cookie, m&ms and some milk. I think that should be filling enough.

Yesterday I was considering giving some money towards a good cause. I hesitated for a bit. I'm not sure why, just stupidness on my part really. But I did it. And b/c I did my co-worker was inspired to match my donation. And thats really cool. Good deeds spread and multiply. =)

My parents called me, several times. They arrived safetly and sound for Hajj. My sister and nana likewise arrived safetly in Houston for their trip. And what about me? least its Friday. I'm going to go to Jersey Gardens tomorrow for some shopping. Nothing much planned for the rest of the weekend except working on applications.

Mondays a holiday, yay! Working tuesday and wednesday. Then Thursday I have off! I'm going to drive back to Canada. And then work remotely on Friday. I get the weekend off and then drive back to NY on the 1st. Hectic and short. But it'll be nice to go home and see my friends again. I'm thinking of driving back after work on Wednesday but its an 8-9hr drive. Which means if theres not much traffic....leaving around 8pm i'd get there at 4-5am....not sure if I want to be driving that late at night....its tiring and I'll be by myself.....yeah.....most likely I'll leave Thursday.

hmm.......that was a lot of milk.....I feel sleepy now....I need to start going to bed earlier again. I've been sleeping at 2-230am or so lately.....I need to get that at least closer to 1.

I finished reformatting my computer! Now things are working the way they should. Just have to reinstall a few more things and then finally maybe I can put up some pics again!


Sarah said...

Hmm, that's not a very good lunch! But sometimes when I'd be really busy and have no time to get proper food, I'd end up getting a bag of chips for lunch. :( And why do you go to sleep so late?! Don't you have to wake up early for work too? Man, how do you do that. The latest I go to sleep is 1 am, and it would be sooo hard for me to wake up before 8am then!

Ahmed said...

Yeah it gets hard sometimes. But I usually don't get up till about 745-815. So I still get almost 6-7hrs.

cellardoor said...

omg ahmed - u sooo love food!!! esp cookies and chocs and stuff - honestly - what r u like..!!!!
i bet ur folks r having a gr8 time.... aaahhh, so cool!

Ahmed said...

hehe, well good food is well....good! heeh. And chocolate yes! its great stuff. I haven't heard anything from my parenst in almost a week now. so makes me worry abit but I be they're having a blast and all is fine inshallah.