Ok, first whats going on with me right now? Hmm...actually not much. I went to an Urdu dinner Friday night. That was fun, met some ppl, and the food was good. There wasn't actually much urdu speaking going on though but ah well. Maybe next time I'll try to say more. Interestingly, 1 girl from the party announced that she got engaged (almost official) from a guy she met at the last Urdu dinner. That was only 1 month ago! Wow, but still congrats to her, as long as your happy.
I also saw Da Vinci Code yesterday. It was good. Not as bad as the critics say but definitely not as good as the book. I'd give it a 6 or possibly a 7 out of 10. Other than that, not much going on. I might go back to Sauga next weekend as its a long weekend here. Anyhow, let me continue with the trip. We left off in Rome and I'll first give a couple more pics from that. Why? Cause I can and I liked Rome. hehe
 The Circus Maximus with the Stadium in the background I believe.
 Just a nice shot of Rome. We ended up here cause we got lost while trying to find the collesium. I asked this 1 couple (another set of tourists) where it was and seriously, the woman almost ran away from me. Crazy. Everyone else was friendly and even more helpful when they found out we were canadian.
 Me at the old Roman Stadium
 Taking a break from the walking. Seriously, so much walking...too much.Now to Pompeii. In the set of pics in the previous post you saw a group dinner. At the dinner we're talking to some of the ppl and we say we're going to Pompeii and then Florence and tell one of the girls, Manpreet aka Money, to come along. She thinks for less than 3 secs and says ok. I wish I had that kinda freedom. But I guess when you take 2 months off for travelling you can. We planned it out kinda last sec so we slept for maybe 1-2hrs and then grabbed a train to Pompeii.  Sleeping on the way to Pompeii
 Manpreet also taking a nap
 Welcome to Pompeii!
 Another shot near the entrance
 Rasheed on top of....something hehe
 Manpreet took the picture...for some reason she likes to take crooked pictures...probably cause it matches her personality...hehe j/k
 More of the ruins
 Me looking out upon the grounds
 Myself, Rasheed, & Manpreet in the Amphitheatre
 The smaller amphitheatre
 Rasheed by a wall mural in the inner court yard
 One of the bodies recovered from the ground. The person was killed when the city was destroyed by the volcano.
 Manpreet walking down the street in the lost city
 Rasheed and I looking through the ruins
 Rasheed and Manpreet
 Its actually a pretty large sized (ruined) city
 Another shot of the city
 And another
 Rasheed, Manpreet, & I 
Next stop, Pisa & Florence! |
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