Thursday, February 02, 2006

Rainy NY scalpers, DC Knife Ladies, Crazy Conneticut Caitlin, Cell phone woes

Ok, so I there is a backlog of stuff to talk about. Oh well, its been long enough that this will be a very condensed version. Cause really, oh well, I kind have new things on the horizon now.

so my cousin Rasheed came down to NY. Day 1 we kinda got a bit loss and walked around brooklyn for almost an hour. In the rain. Hey, welcome to NY Rasheed :)

We ate a ton. A new restaurant everyday for dinner. Lots of good food and great service. Except for Bubba Gump Shrimp. I didn't care for the food there.

Went to catch a Knicks game. Getting tickets from a scalper was easy. Madision Square Garden is really nice. I really like the area ceiling. Seats were good. Got them at cost basically. The game was alright. Not the most exciting game cause it was a bit of a blowout, but the Knicks did win, which I guess is a good thing.

Empire State Building we went to at night. Scary bit the elevator moved like a good 3-5 inches while I was stepping in....hmmm...But the view was great! Much better than I thought it would be. And it was night so just pure lights all over the place. Tres cool.

We decided to take a day trip to Washington. Left pretty late in the day though and didn't get there til about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Ate some food at this interesting little spanish place. And then it was getting late and Freezing. Brr, super cold. So we start heading in the direction of the capital. We see Capital Hill buildings and then want to see the White House. Ask a few ppl, a cop, all sending us in different directions. Finally time is running out. We jump in a cab and he takes us to the White House and the Lincoln Memorial and a few other things. We get back to the bus place at 645, 15 mins early for the 7pm bus. EXCEPT it was a 630 bus...Someone read the schedule wrong. Next bus at 1145. So we walk around but the area is pretty dead, surprising cause the MCI Centre is right there. We catch a movie, eat a bit, then go sit in Mcdonalds.

Now in Mcdonalds we just chilling and talking. And there is this one weird old lady (though she doesn't look much older than late 40s) talking to random ppl. Now rasheed and I are in a booth and the crazy lady is right behind me in the aisle. And all of a sudden she and this other guy get into an argument. She starts yelling "I'm CIA, I'll mess you up. Do you know who I am? I'm CIA. I will mess you up." The guy is just like "I bet you would, I bet you would." THEN she pulls out a knife! Not crocodile dundee knife but don't confuse this for a simple butter knife either. And she is like "I am CIA I will cut you up! I'll cut you up!" I've omitted the swears btw. Then some other woman jumps in and starts yelling at the guy as well. Eventually, the guy leaves with his friend. The woman puts her knife away. And starts to leave. Only at this time do I feel see some Mcdonalds staff come. They tell her, 'oh you don't have to leave.' WHAT? Americans make no sense to me. They side with the crazy lady wielding a knife. I mean, mcdonalds, family restaurant, kiddie restaurant, no one calls cops, no authority steps in. Oh well, that was my visit to the Capital of this country.

Sometime in the future, well last weekend now. I went to go visit Caitlin in Hartford, Conneticut. Fun and Funny times! I get there Friday night and we decide to go out with some of her friends. But first we go to this Mexican place for dinner. I get out lock and close my door. And Caitlin does the same and then says 'oh no'. The keys were locked in the car! AND AND the car was still running! haha. We called a guy though and got things fixed so it was no harm. Well $40 harm, but nothing serious. There were some much more interesting and funny adventures that night too. But I don't want to embarass Caitlin so I'll just keep those to myself. haha sorry.

Saturday Caitlin and I went to the outlet mall. 5+ hrs of walking and shopping! wow, my feet were dead. BUT I got some really nice stuff for super cheap. 1 got a brown nautica coat, white polo sweater, white perry ellis shirt, track pants and track jacket from aeropostale, brown pants from banana republic oh and of course some chocolate from lindt! So thin, so good. I wont' say how much, but trust me it was super cheap! I want to go shopping some more now!

Sunday I caught up on a seasons worth of OC almost and...I'm liking it. Not as good as season 1, but its like a nice enjoyable show to watch still. Its not crazy and dumb, its good.

Speaking of shopping I've been shopping for a cell phone. My goodness its so much trouble. Amazon has a promotion but its complicated and I can't make use of it. And trust me have I tried. I argued with 2-3 customer reps, 2 ppl in cell phones, I think 1 manager, and then finally with 1 area manager. So yeah, in the end I was like oh well. And I purchased it for almost regular price. AND since I have no American Credit History I had to put down a GINORMOUS deposit that I only get back after a year. sigh. So oh yeah, the phone is Razr, black. Its getting kinda common (or so I hear) but I like it, thats all that matters.

I do NOT like having multiple entries for the same person though. Like seperate entries for cell, house, pager, etc. BUT I figured out how to fix that! I am too good. haha I'd put my number here, but I don't want to. I haven't really give my # ot my friends yet cause well, its only been 1 day. And I have 30 days to return the phone if I don't like it. So just in case of that I've only shared with a couple so far.

Hmm...what else? I know I'm forgetting countless things. But most ppl already know most things going on with me anyways so thats ok.

Today should be an interesting day as well. Perhaps I'll write about that next time. Well we'll see out it goes. I still think I need to stop thinking and just start doing.