Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tis the story of a hurricane...

Alright, so quick recap.

Tis the story of a hurricane........

Worked out, did some reading. Had a long argument with one of my friends. Right after that had a conversation with another friend that needed some advise or something, can't recall. Didn't end up sleeping til past 5-530am.

save tonight, to fight the break of dawn, til tomorrow.

Don't know why but I woke up at like 9-930 after only 4hrs. Found out about some people meeting to play Catan in some cafe in Manhattan. I found it online, never talked to these ppl before but I like the game and I had nothing else to do so I decided to go. There were 8 ppl including myself. I was the youngest. It was a few ppl in late 20s, more in the 30s, and 1 guy that was very old. We broke into 2 games of 4 and played 2 games. I lost the 1st and won the 2nd. It was alright but I didn't 'click' with anyone, its just definitely not my crowd.

tick tick tick tick tick ........tock

After that, I went walking along to Times Square. Just kinda aimlessly looking around. Wandering in and out of stores. I checked out the movie times for Harry Potter around Times Sq. but it was pretty much sold out. So I just hopped on the subway back to Brooklyn and watched it in the theatre thats closer to the apartment.

The movie was good. I liked it. Not as 'magical' as the first. It didn't have the same sense of wonder. But I like the story of the 4th book a lot and the movie was good. Dumbledore really bugged me though. I'm not liking him. I like the old one. Was feeling super tired by the end of the day and went to bed shortly after midnight.


Went down to SOHO and then walked all along down broadway to China Town. Walked all along Canal St. I bought my sister the wallet from Guess that she wanted. Walked around a bit more and then went home. Read for awhile, went to go workout. Thats all I can remember of sunday, nothing exciting. Oh, I also bought a duffle bag for myself to carry myself when travelling. My suitcases are too big for small trips. So much walking the last 2 days, my feet were really tired. I need new shoes.

Maybe we are the lucky ones....

Work work work.

Work ahhh hectic morning, work work, meeting meetnig. work.
Talked to Khanh about driving back to Toronto for thanksgiving weekend. She's a bit concerned about the possibility of it snowing and her not having snow tires on her car. But I said I could drive. Worst comes to worst we could try taking the bus....if its not sold out.....but I think we'll drive. Hopefully. At first I was fine and didnt' really want to go back for thanksgiving. But now I do. I'd be disappointed if I couldn't. I'd make the most of it and enjoy myself here. But it would be more fun obviously to see family and friends.

k, just got a call, gota bounce....secret wheelings and dealings. shh....