Thursday, September 08, 2005

Thursday means, OC! Its back!

Today and yesterday, and the day before and tomorrow, all so crazy busy at work. so so tiring. if so busy you say why am i taking this break to write a blog? well we all need breaks. and i skipped lunch and it would look weird if i disappeared for 30mins now in the afternoon so i'll just take a 10mins break and blog and surf for a bit.

i stayed fairly late yesterday. and emailed myself some files home to do some work. i got home. checked my regular sites. then decided to take a nap and wake up at 9 to work. I got home around 8 btw. so just a short nap, 30mins or so. i hit the alarm once, i thought it was once. to snoze. just 10 more mins. it never went off again. or i slept through it. next thing i know, its 1130! just slightly overslept eh? i eat dinner and go down stairs to use the net. we live on the 6th floor. but we leech internet from some guy (or gal) that switches it off at night. but we go down to the main floor tv lounge area and we can leech from the 2nd floor ppl and thats always on. so i go down at 12ish after eating. knowing full well i won't get much down now that its this late. but i should at least open it up and see what happens.

i get downstairs and its Agassi vs blake, 3rd set, agassi down 2 zip. and down a break. and then the comeback begins! awesome match! so good. i love agassi. best returner ever for a reason. it was very close. blake looked like he would just end it and win a few times but must to chagrin of punit agassi kept coming back. match ended around 115am. i emailed out a spec i was working on and went to bed. not a very productive night.

i did wake up early though. and got to work early. relative to everyone else here. ppl come around 915ish and stay til 630-7ish. i got in around 830. though i set off the alarm. oops! it turned off by itself eventually though. anyhow tonight i'll be here til 7 working then off to go watch OC and maybe this time do some work from home. tomorrow, well tomorrow depends on today. but tomorrow Caitlin is comign down. and we'll all (her, anojan, punit, and maybe noah) go out for anojans birthday day. poor guy, celebrating his bday on sept 11th in nyc. we'll see how that goes. no real plans for the rest of the weekend but i'm sure it'll still be fun. and i will take pictures and put them up. no doubt this time. but it will be after the weekend. so if i blog before then. no pictures! too bad! mouahhaha


b said...


Ahmed said...

I know! booo....oh well it was a good run. And I like Federer too, just not as much as Agassi.