Wednesday, September 28, 2005

peanut, peanut butter.

me thinks i dost protest too much?

hmm...i dont know. maybe, maybe not. i don't know. its probably both worse and not as bad as i describe.

as i said i was hungry yesterday. i bought a small chicken pita wrap from a street vendor (halal) on my way home. it was meh. I got home and my stomach felt terrible. i layed down and almost went to bed. But i had laundry to do. I battled my stomache ache and finished the laundy. it was a small sandwich and by 11 or so i was feeling better, but i was hungry as i still hadn't ate much. i just had a peanut butter sandwich and went to bed. After beating Saara at a game of minesweeper flag (haha below 40!, i'll get to 70 myself soon!). So sad, i live online more than anywhere else. I talked to john online for awhile too. That was nice, hadn't spoken to him in months.

Today got to work and crazy busy from 930 onwards. working with the ukraine guy straight til about 2-230 on some database schema while inbetween notifying romania guy about bugs. it wasn't til 3pm this afternoon i finally got to try and do some of my own work i'd planned for today. but first i figured i should eat something. i got a slice of pizza. it actually just made me hungrier but i needed to get ready for a marketing meeting (which ended up getting postponded, thanksfully causei 'm not ready yet) til tomorrow. i'll email myself the files for that and this time for sure get it done at home! shouldn't be too bad. just playing with some figure in excel. a nice simple task actually compared to other things, heh sort of like a cool down excercise for the brain.

i said i was going to go out to eat yesterday, that didn't really happen. not sure if i want to give it another go tonight or not. i think i'm just goign to pick up some cereal for tonight. maybe something else, but right now cereal is looking good. i just want something refreshing, i'm tired of food in generall right now.

there was this whole funny thing about darrin, emails and the OC. but they are coming to take my desk shortly so i'll leave that for tomorrow or another time.

i find myself writing more, blogging more and writing more. its like speaking in a sense. so in a sense i'm talking more than ever? all over the place.

at the same time, i think i'm getting weirder (if thats possible). to demonstrate below, for some odd reason, is what just popped in my head. dah well.

nick nack paddy wack
give a dog a bone
this old man went rolling home...